Giving at Church
We encourage all of those who are part of our church family to give—not out of obligation but out of a spirit of worship. Your gifts allow God's work to be done in our midst, in our community, and in the world around us.
Securely Give Online
Your information is held securely by an SSL encrypted connection. This information will remain private and will never be given away to third parties, other than to process your scheduled contributions.
Ways to Give
There are many easy ways for you to give, including one-time gifts, text-to-give, online recurring giving and, of course, during our Sunday worship service. View the F.A.Q. below for more details about each giving method.
Please email us at
giving F.A.Q.
"In every way I’ve shown you that by laboring like this, it is necessary to help the weak and to keep in mind the words of the Lord Jesus, for He said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ ” Acts 20:35
"Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." 2 Cor. 9:7
- This is not my home church. Should I give?
While we appreciate when people sow into our ministry, guests should not feel pressured to give. We always encourage guests to give their tithe to their home church.
- How much should I give? Doesn't God ask for 10%?
We believe that the method ordained of God for the support and spread of His cause is by giving of tithes and offerings. The word "tithe" comes from an Old English root meaning "one tenth." The Old Testament refers to Abraham and Jacob tithing, as well as a system of tithes established in the law of Moses. In the New Testament, tithing is mentioned, but above all, we are encouraged to give cheerfully, out of our response to the extravagant love of God towards us, and to meet the needs of others out of our own abundance. If you have further questions, please see one of our leaders.
- Where can I view my contribution history?
You can view your giving history online in your E360 profile. Log in here and view your profile by clicking your initials in the top right corner.You will see a "Giving" tab in the top center of the page. Click that to view your contributions.
- How can I give?
You can give online via our online giving portal, via text through the E360 ChMS app, or in service with cash or check. Offering baskets are left in the front near the stage, and in the entry way to the sanctuary and you may give at any time on Sunday morning.
How Your Donations Help
We began a relationship with Teen Challenge in Manchester in 2018 and now support them each month by providing the cost of one resident's tuition. We have welcomed some of the residents to a service to share their testimonies with us about overcoming addiction and receiving Jesus an look forward to welcoming another group of residents to a service in this year.
Each year during the holiday season, we partner with Operation Christmas Child, a ministry of Samaritan's Purse, and provide Christmas shoe boxes to be sent around the world. Thank you to our volunteers who assisted with shopping and packing each year.
Our benevolence ministry which exists to provide financial assistance with groceries, gas and utilities, continues to be available for members of our own body, and occasionally our greater community. We were able to work with a housing agency in Nashua last year and assist a person financially in getting set up in a new home in 2018, and have been able to assist members of our own body over the last year as needs arose.
We also use your gifts to bless our guest speakers who come and minister to our local body. We welcome ministers from other churches, as well as leaders and teachers within our own body who minister when Pastor Ron is out of town.
Over the last two and a half years, you all have donated ~$7200 towards our Missions and Benevolence outreaches, and to our guest speakers, and we thank you for your faithful giving.